Minions, as well as towers, are very kind to their allied champions. In other words, if you start attacking an enemy champion, then all the nearby minions will rush to his aid and start attacking you. If individually these small soldiers do not pose a threat, then a large concentration of them can greatly affect the outcome of the battle, especially at the initial stage of the game.
If you just stand in the lane and do not attack the enemy champion, then even in this case the behavior of the minions is not random, but obeys a strict sequence of choosing a target to attack. Below will be a sequential list based on which the minion selects a target to attack.
- An enemy champion that attacks an allied champion
- An enemy minion that attacks an allied champion
- An enemy minion that attacks an allied minion
- An enemy tower that attacks an allied minion
- An enemy champion that attacks an allied minion
Minions do not reconsider their target for attack every second, but after some time. In other words, if you hit an enemy champion once, the enemy minions will run after you for a while and only then calm down and start attacking other enemies.